Research Intern

Joy Mathys

Joy is a Research Intern on this study ‘Health and Resilience Following Stress or Adversity’. She is currently a Bachelor’s student in Psychology, at the University of Zürich, Switzerland. Her research interests include cultural psychology, clinical psychology, and neurobiology.


Melinda Hofstetter

Melinda Hofstetter is a Research Intern on this study ‘Health and Resilience Following Stress or Adversity’. She is currently a Bachelor’s student in Psychology, at the University of Zürich, Switzerland. Her research interests include developmental psychology and clinical psychology for children/adolscents.

Lhanzom Lhasam

Lhanzom Lhasam is a Research Intern on this study ‘Health and Resilience Following Stress or Adversity’. She is currently a Bachelor’s student in Psychology, at the University of Zürich, Switzerland. Her research interests include psychopathology, psychotherapy,   and clinical psychology for children/adolescents and families.